Champion Gymnastics & Cheer

We offer a variety of classes for all ages and skill levels. From Diaper Daredevils (Parent/Toddler), for children walking through two years of age, and through high school age children in gymnastics and cheer. Champion Gymnastics & Cheer offers recreational classes plus competitive gymnastics and cheer teams.
“Our goal at Champion Gymnastics is for every child to feel like a CHAMPION!”
Membership and Registration
Annual Membership Fee is $25.00 per family (includes tax). Annual Membership Fee of $25.00 is due in September and then prorated each month after. Please see RF breakdown.
Currently enrolled students may register for each term on or before the Priority Deadline. It is your responsibility to know the Priority Deadline and to pay tuition on time. We will remind currently enrolled students when there is an upcoming Priority Due Date.
New or inactive students can register during Open Registration.
A 10% discount will be taken off of additional classes or siblings.
Student Placement

Children ages 1 – 4 will be placed in an age appropriate class. Children 5 and up are placed by age and ability. Progression to the next skill level will be communicated through your child’s coach.